Sunday, November 14, 2010


Yesterday in kindergarten...

Little girl motions me to lean in real close then whispers in my ear:
"Mrs. Pugmire did you know there are two kinds of P? One is like the letter P.
P says 'puh'. The other one is like I have to go pee really bad."

Me (laughing): you're right

Little girl: "and I really do have to go pee.
thats what made me think of it."

-Then the other day at recess another girl
in my class came up to me tapping her chin & said:

"Mrs. Pugmire right? I remembered you!!
Want to know how I remembered it was you?...

(I think: um...because I'm your teacher and have been every day for the last 3 months? Or because I JUST saw you in class 2 minutes ago?)

...I remember your earrings.
And I remember your voice."

And I really do wear the same earrings like everyday,
but its a good thing, huh?
Cause how else would my students know it was me when
they saw me on the playground?
ALSO.. We made these turkeys for art the other day. They turned out so funny looking, more like deranged big birds than thanksgiving turkeys. But my favorite part is that without any provocation from me, all the boys cut the eyelashes off their turkey eyes. I noticed it and asked one of the boys if it was an accident.
He said: no, you accidentally gave us girl eyes.

Girl Turkey
Boy Turkey


  1. this seriously made me laugh out loud. it's so much funnier than the crap people put on their blogs that their own kids say that they think is so funny (obviously only because it's their own kid). i would like more of these posts please.
