Monday, January 25, 2010

Prison Break

Maybe Preston and I are addicted to this show.
Have you seen it? Maybe I woke up Friday morning and had no clue what day of the week it was because it seems like all we've been doing is watching Michael Scofield be awesome and all the days kinda just blend together. And I know that the last 2 seasons get kinda weird and lame, but the first 2 are so so good. Trust me.
And lets be honest. Coolest tattoo ever.
I'd trade it for the Guns N Roses one I got when I was 16 any day.
Embarrassing huh?


  1. LOVE this show too! I remember telling myself "okay just one more episode," and then I'd end up watching 3 or 4! Wentworth Miller is pretty hot too!

  2. oh man corine..i remember it was before the semester had started (i think the semester i started dating mike and the semester i met you) i watched like all two seasons in my room on my laptop by myself...haha...loved it. oh and ps. i miss you

  3. this makes me miss ur dad and watching this and monk w him and being his favorite daughter
